Bring nature in your home!

In small places and corners in your house you can add these wall stickers so there will be no boring nook in your home anymore. It will surprise your visitors and take it from us: you’ll have so much fun deciding where to place them!

Hedgehog Wall Stickers

The Hedgehog family has found a home in your home! .

There is a family of one adult hedgehog and 2 babies on the sheet. They are true sized.

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The hedgehogs at other people´s cozy homes:

Robin Wall Stickers

They will conquer a corner of your house and heart! 

One sheet contains a robin in flight, 2 chubby robins, one perched robin and 4 ladybug stickers. True sized!

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The robins at other people´s cozy homes:

Titmouse Wall Stickers

Now it will get cozy and busy in the house! 

The stickers are all life-sized and one sheet contains the blue tit, the great tit, the crested tit and the long-tailed tit. 

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The robins at other people´s cozy homes:

Blackbird Wall Stickers

A striking and modern bird! Looks great in black and white or minimalist interiors.

You get 4 blackbirds life-sized in different poses. 

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The blackbirds at other people´s cozy homes:

Birds in Blue and Brown Wall Stickers

A fan favourite! The dunnocks can be found in many washrooms. On the sheet you find 1 pair of Dunnocks, a Wren, a Nuthatch and a Bluethroat. All life-sized.

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The Birds in Blue and Brown at other people´s cozy homes:

Woodpecker Wall Stickers

Two life-sized woodpecker that you can place by doors, windows or on rafters. They are such beautiful birds!

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The Woodpecker at other people´s cozy homes:

Finches Wall Stickers

Four finches to brighten up your house. We have the Chaffinch, the 2x Goldfinch and the striking Bullfinch. All life-sized. You can almost hear them!

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The Finches at other people´s cozy homes:

Chickadees Wall Stickers

The cheeky chickadees take over your house and that is lovely. It’s a whole crew with a youngster, a bird in flight and two perched birds. Each of the 4 is a different character. 

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The Chickadees at other people´s cozy homes:

Kingfisher Wall Sticker

One of themost beautiful birds we have in the Netherlands! The sheet contains a life-sized Kingfisher on a branch.

Kingfishers in flight Wall Stickers

The sheet contains 2 birds in flight and 3 little fishes they are going to dive in the water for!

Wood Mouse Wall Stickers

Four life-sized little woodmouse that can be placed on skirting boards, fruit bowls or anywhere else to scare or surprise people in your house.  

Personally we don’t fear them, they are lovely!

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The Wood Mice at other people´s cozy homes:

Squirrel Wall Sticker

This life-sized squirrel is climbing your walls! Attach her tail to your liking and help her hide hazelnuts. The sheet contains one squirrel in 2 parts and 2 stickers making 3 hazelnuts.

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The Squirrel at other people´s cozy homes:

Wild Flower Wall Stickers

See flowers and butterflies spring up in your house!

One sheet with 10 Insects, 7 Wild Flowers and 6 Butterflies, so 23 life-sized stickers in total.

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The Insects & Wild Flowers at other people´s cozy homes:

Dandelion in bloom Wall Sticker

Build your own dandelion in bloom with this sheet containing 3 stems, 5 leaves and 3 bees. Buy multiple sheets and build a whole yard where no 2 flowers are the same.

Dandelion Fluffy ball Wall Sticker

Build your own dandelion in bloom with this sheet containing 3 stems- 2 of which have a fluffy ball, and one closed bud-, 5 leaves,  1 bee and 8 seeds. Make a which every timeyou see it. 

American Birds I Wall Sticker

These beauties live in the United States and Canada. I saw them on a visit and felt they were iconic for the west side of the country.

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American Birds II Wall Sticker

On the East side of the United States other birds live. Although there is some overlap. These I saw in Canada and the United States.

All our Wall Stickers in an overview:

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Frequently asked questions

So how well do they stick?

It seems that everyone wants to know how well they stick. We can assure you that they stick well! We’ve designed them to stay put for a long time. They should not come off quickly and therefore be durable. But to make sure they stay put you have to keep a few things in mind: 

The ideal surface is smooth, dry, clean, has no holes or grainy structure that can come off and no greasy or dusty top layer. So clean and dry it well. Make sure that there’s no air underneath them. Use a cloth around a ruler or a so called squeegee to systemetically rub the sticker on the surface. 

To make them stick for a long time keep on pressing them the first few hours, especially around the edges. The edges are not white so it doesn’t matter what colour the wall is. 

Do they stick on window panes?

Yes very well, as it’s very smooth. But they’re intended as wall stickers so only printed on one side. The stickers don’t have white edges so look good on all surfaces.

Can you remove and replace them?

So they stick very well. This could mean that the wall sticker sticks to wallpaper and paint and won’t let go. Or at least, it will take the top layer of the surface with it. This won’t happen with solid undergrounds of good quality ormaterial. There really is no way of saying for sure what the quality is of your wall. It’s a matter of testing. We’ve heard of many customers who have removed them and even placed them on a different spot. So that is possible, but again, it’s impossible for us to say in advance. 

Can you use them outside?

I know of customers who use them on garbage containers and windows outside. But I can’t guarantee that the stickers won’t fade over time. UV light is so strong, it bleaches out every colour. So in the long run you will enjoy the decals longer indoors. But you can use them outside as long as they have aflat smooth surface. Outside it is more damp, more moist that can fill in tiny cracks between the underground and the sticker, so it will lose strength or sticking power. So in short; yes you can under certain circumstances but it lasts longer indoors. 

Can they stick on plaster?

Yes they can, but it depends on the type of plaster. It’s a rigid type of vinyl that doesn’t stretch of course so big differences in height really are a bad idea. They need a good contact surface to stick to. And holes around the edges let in dust and perhaps moist so then the sticker will come off sooner. In our own homes we do have some stickers pasted to plaster, so with very subtle differences in grain or texture it is possible. 

If you have more questions, contact us on

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